Campaign Background
General Leval has orders to hold the village of Duenas to protect the main road from Santander to Palencia, along which the Italian corps are due to arrive within 48 hours.
Wellington is determined to use General Altens corps to take Duenas and delay the Italians. Altens corps, which includes the two light brigades, is the best in his army and he is confident that they can take the village.
The battle starts at 0800 18 July 1813.

Wargames Table
Duenas is the village at the right of the table
The other two buildings are farms
The road top to bottom is from Santander to Valladolid
The road left to right is from Mudarra to Palencia
Levals 6th French corps is deployed on the right of the table
They have orders to hold Duenas
Altens 4th British corps will enter the table on the left on blinds
He has orders to attack Duenas
Game Notes
This the first game we have played with our newly amended rules
As the game starts Leval has ridden forward with his cavalry brigade to determine the line of the British advance.
Rule Note
Another advantage of Leval being so far forward is that it reduces the number of multiple moves the British can take. They are not allowed to have a multiple move which brings them within 16” of an enemy brigade.
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