Campaign Background
On the evening of 18 July Alten sent orders for 4th corps to withdraw from Duenas to join 1st corps who would attack Valladolid at first light.
Patrols from 6th French at Duenas reported that the British were retreating towards Valladolid, and Villate ordered his corps to march south at first light.
The battle starts at 0800 19 July 1813.

Wargames Table
Valladolid is the large town bottom left
The other three buildings are farms
The road top to bottom is from Santander to Cuellar
The road left to right is from Tordesillas to Burgos
Villates 7th corps are deployed in and around Valladolid
They have orders to hold the town
Levals 6th corps will arrive on road top centre on move 1
Hills 1st corps will arrive on road bottom left on move 1
Altens 4th corps will arrive in top left square on move 2

Game Notes
4th British and 6th French have not had time to regroup since their battle at Duenas, so all casualties will be the same as at the end of that battle.
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